VIRAN members played an important part in the processes that led to the formulation of the Technology Roadmap Catalysis (2001) and the subsequent creation of ACTS, a public-private partnership between the Dutch government, universities, research institutes and industry in the field of sustainable chemical technologies. Its mission is to initiate and support the development of sustainable innovative technologies in energy-related chemistry, catalysis and life sciences. ACTS funds tens of millions of euros for pre-competitive and industrially relevant research, with the aim to anticipate the needs of the future society.
- Download: Technology Roadmap Catalysis
In a joint initiative with NIOK, VIRAN prepared the document “Catalysis – Key to a Sustainable Future”, a science and technology roadmap for catalysis in the Netherlands. It addresses the important issues regarding society, the environment and the economy, as well as the structure of research funding and the interests and strategy of the Dutch (chemical) industry.
- Download: Catalysis – Key to a Sustainable Future